The New Testament Church quickly coined a term 'Gossiping-the-Gospel' as people everywhere gossiped about what they witnessed through the works of the Apostle; testimonies, healings, miracles, dreams, and many other manifestations. They could not help but speak of the things they had heard and seen. (Acts 4:20)
Below are the recorded broadcasts that have already occured on Gossiping the Gospel Talk Radio, as well as the upcoming broadcast. The shows can also be listened to by going to
The significance of Rushing Waters - Are you Listening?
Water has a significance part in Scripture and specifically for the days in which we live. Scripture we are told that God’s voice sounds like many rushing waters just prior to Christ’s return. Listen to this interesting episode on the power of water throughout scripture. Just as water is necessary to the sustenance of life, it is necessary for the world as a whole as God prepares the world for some upcoming significant events. Water was used to perform 37 miracles in scripture and has been shown to have over 15 unique uses in scripture at significant times. You will be amazed at the metaphors of water and the real water eco-system that God has put into place.
God's Gift of Attention Deficit Disorder and Autism A revolutionary message that challenges us that God has not cursed humanity with the disorders we label ourselves with. Rather, God has blessed a broken and dysfunctional world with the very things we label as dysfunctional. As our world is reaching its linear-end, God has given us minds that think conceptually to solve problems that are perplexing the linear world. Gaye Cartwright, teacher to some of the most brilliant minds who have been labeled will be joining us in a special interview that may shock every listener.
Kerry Brown, Executive Director of Images at the Cross and John Sacoulas, Owner/editor of Branson Christian News will share the heavenly plans to build the world's largest cross in Branson, MO - an Architectural Wonderment rivaling the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Archway to the West. The cross will be 200 feet tall and be located one day’s journey for over 80 million people. The Cross will showcase a 20 story venue towering over the panoramic Heartland of America; Branson, MO.
Renee Moseman has lived a life of expectancy to see the things of the Kingdom of God. She has been on a journey of expectancy and obedience since 1977. Her journey of expectancy took her too many spiritual heights and depths that have resulted in a recent 360 degree view of God's vastness, greatness, and visions of soon return. She has traveled from a realm of the supernaturally unknown to the realm of the known as she has learned to listen and receive visions from the throne room. Renee's journey recently took her to Israel where she witnessed numerous angelic visitations that manifested God message to her and the world. Join us as Renee shares a life of expectancy that produces a joy unspeakable and full of Glory.
All Jonah's Overboard - Get Ready for a Tidal Wave
Listen to a challenging message that brings ownership of the Gospel and modern day problems to the very people who may have been running from God. Jonah lived in a very corrupt society, yet God did hold the society accountable, he held Jonah responsible. Jonah was the person who needed to be thrown overboard not the society that was living in corruption. What if every Jonah in our day responded to the call God placed on them? First there would be a lot of splashes as they jumped overboard. After they died like Jonah did in the belly of the whale, they would be revived and go and do the very thing God called them to do.
A Fear Driven Life Vs. A Faith Driven Life – Men’s Hearts Failing them for Fear Jesus foretold that as our times intensive that people's hearts would fail them due to fear (Luke 21:25-26). Listen as we share the number of situations from the Wisconsin budget Bill, 100s of recently earthquakes in Arkansas and stress which are causing fear to rise. Don’t be alarmed as these times will intensify but the faithful will be fine while the fearful will fail; thus men’s heart will fail them because of fear. Listen as Mark Halvorson also shares words from his interview with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
The Intersection between Recent Visions, Bible Prophecy, and Modern Day Events - Part 3
Listen as we share how a vision occurring by a Christian Lawyer in India in 2006 helps connect Biblical Prophecy with modern day events. In this first part of a three part series we will be sharing the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the Birds have been dying, based on this prophecy. This opening session will enlighten people to the reality of the exciting, strange, and bizarre events that are occurring on a more frequent basis. It will also illuminate your understanding on why things are happening versus how they are happening.
Part 3 - The continued message of what is happening since the lion has roared according to a vision in 2006. Listen as we share the message of change and the shift to the Eastern world. Could result be what is happening in Egypt?
The Intersection between Recent Visions, Biblical Prophecy, and Modern Day events
Part 2
Listen as we share how a vision occurring by a Christian Lawyer in India in 2006 helps connect Biblical Prophecy with modern day events. In this first part of a three part series we will be sharing the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the Birds have been dying, based on this prophecy. This opening session will enlighten people to the reality of the exciting, strange, and bizarre events that are occurring on a more frequent basis. It will also illuminate your understanding on why things are happening versus how they are happening.
Part 2 - Has the Lion Roared? - Appreciating the invisible aspects of God. God does not always shout out loud to get our attention. Often times God suddenly appears in a very visible but quite way. Luke 17:20 shares that the Kingdom of God comes without observation which is completely the opposite of the assumed events people are waiting for. On the other hand maybe the Kingdom of God comes without observation because the noise of the modern day events out-noise the Kingdom of God which is within us.
Part 1 – Why are all the Birds Dying? Listen as we share how a vision occurring by a Christian Lawyer in India in 2006 helps connect Biblical Prophecy with modern day events. In this first part of a three part series we will be sharing the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the Birds have been dying, based on this prophecy. This opening session will enlighten people to the reality of the exciting, strange, and bizarre events that are occurring on a more frequent basis. It will also illuminate your understanding on why things are happening versus how they are happening.
Connecting the Past to Understand the Future – An interview with Glenn Gohr
Nationally Known Pentecostal Reference Archivist, Glenn Gohr, will join us for an amazing look at the importance of connecting the past with the future. Glenn Gohr is a nationally known archivist of spiritual leaders, events, and religious movements from the past. Glenn is also a connector of modern day ministers who hunger for the manifestations and knowledge of what God is doing in the present day. Join us for a great interview on how spiritual connectivity is moving at an unprecedented rate. If you have ever heard of the concept of six-degrees of separation you will be amazed at the possibility that God predicts a heavenly concept called one-degree of separation.
There is Power in a Name - Reggie White the Minister of Defense
Aired on January 9, 2011
Great NFL player Reggie White is remember in many ways as one of the greatest players in NFL history. However, from a heavenly perspective Reggie White’s name has far greater power than an NFL player. His nickname Minister of Defense was taken more literally than people could have ever imagined. This episode will focus on the greatest spiritual player that the world has ever known. During the last days of Reggie White’s life he had an amazing dream that changed how Reggie viewed life’s ultimate game and outcome. This lead right up to his death on the same evening that the world shook as the Indonesia tsunami occurred, December 26, 2004. Listen to more details about the exciting life of Reggie White.
A Triangulation Experience; the Classroon, Marketplace, and the Mission Field
An Interview with Dr. James Russell, Dean of Business at Oral Roberts University
Aired on Sunday, January 2, 2011
A moving testimony of God’s powerful manifestation between the classroom of Oral Roberts University, and the marketplace and mission fields of South America. Dr. James Russell will be our guest and enlighten the audience on the miracles he sees that span the classroom, the market place and the mission field. Dr. Russell has been the connection between thousands of students and the marketplace, as well as the mission field from 2000 – 2009.
Dr. Russell is the Dean of the Undergraduate Business Program at Oral Roberts University and leads Business Missions trips to Buenos Aires, Argentina, Paraguay and Costa Rica where students experience how God manifests miracles through business, church leaders, and the outreaches his student teams participate in. The students put on business workshops during the day, and 1,000 to 1,500 people attended each one. In the evenings, 3,000 gather for worship in buildings equipped to handle no more than 2,500.The Business mission trips have resulted in thousands of physical and financial healings. Students continue to testify how the triangular experience has changed their lives.
Dr. Russell will also share how the power of God took him from teaching at some of the finest universities across America to the Greatest University called Oral Roberts University (ORU). At ORU Dr. Russell believes the finest students in America arrive to receive a business degree and life changing experience unlike any other. Dr. Russell continues to believe that God will bring a massive revival through the business world, and that many of his students have received a foretaste of what the business world is about to witness. At the triangulation, or the center of the classroom, business world, and mission field God is showing His ability to meet humanity’s needs.
A Street Ministers Heart of Self and Community Perseverance Interview with Pastor Russ Atter Aired on Sunday, December 19, 2010
Join us for a delightful and revealing interview with Pastor Russ Atter who is the minister of CAFE420 in Eau Claire, WI and President of the Chippewa Valley Evangelical Ministers Association. Russ has a heart for bring the gospel to the highways and byways through a unique modern style coffee-house ministry. In addition, Russ continues to see miracle after miracle in his own health situation. Doctors have stated Russ should never have lived through his unique disease, but continues to give God Glory by defying the doctors prediction. For more information please visit
Reverend Henry and Terry Ingram were pastors in Stockton California for 25 years. They have experienced the great triumphs and great defeats of serving as leaders and pastors in a community and church. Henry and Terry desire to share from their heart what they believe may help pastors and congregants around the country.The function of a modern day pastor has morphed into a position that threatens the health of every pastor and congregant due to the scriptural evidence of the last days.Listen to the great challenges and admonishments of two veteran ministers who love the Body of Christ but have grown to despise the workings of a man-made church.If you are a hurting minister, you do not want to miss this exciting episode.
No Wonder Two Thirds of God's Name is Spelled 'Go'
Aired on December 5, 2010 - A refreshing story of going into the Highways and byways of life to an audience that is ready for a message. An eye opening and personal story of a 30-day journey into the high ways and byways with the simplicity of the Gospel
A Pure and Liberating Form of Worship - A Special Thanksgiving
Aired on Nov. 14, 2010 - Listen to a new form of worship that comes from the hearts of people, is personalized, shows God how you really feel, and includes anyone who is interested. Don’t miss how this simple and liberating form of worship through simple thanksgiving applies to your life.
An Interview with Minister Inez R. Reilly Aired on Nov. 7, 2010
An Interview with Minister Inez R. Reilly God has designed us to be complete individuals who are free from the power of addiction. However, to have the complete life of freedom, we must also have our personal freedom and promises from the past, present, and future. Listen to an exciting interview with Minister Inez R. Reilly who has experienced the issues of life and now ministers the Gospel around the world. You will be inspired by the power testimony of Inez Reilly, who was born in Queens, New York to a heroin-addicted mother who abandoned her when she was ten months old. She is a survivor of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, most of which was experienced during her formative years. She attributes her endurance to prayer and her subsequent acceptance of Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. She is the proud mother of three natural children, one spiritual daughter and one grandson … Keilah, Joshua, Seraya, Joy and Haliek. She currently resides in Richmond VA. Inez R. Reilly is a Minister, Elder, Book Author and Radio Personality. She has published three books, hosts a bi-monthly radio show, travels and speaks throughout the United States, and ministers to people all across the globe. http://www.IAMSPROPERTY.BIZ
From Religious Rags to Spiritual Riches An Interview with Dennis Eversen Aired on Sunday October 31, 2010
As a young man attending the religious church of his day, God reached out and redeemed Dennis’s rags for spiritual riches.Listen as Dennis shares a beginning in Two Rivers, WI where he was transformed from his life of rags into a life of spiritual treasures.Dennis has an amazing background that leads down a trail of redemption. Visit Dennis at
A Candid Interview with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke Aired on Sunday October 24, 2010 4:00 PM CST
We are pleased to announce the recording and archive of an exciting Interview with World Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. During the interview Bonnke shares His thoughts on Evangelism, the Church, and the importance of staying with the simplicity of the Gospel found in Matthew 4:23. Bonnke's humility and simplicity has allowed him to be part of over 50 Million people accepting the salvation message during the past 10 years.
The Power of Spiritual Visions - Our Cloud of Witnesses Aired on Sunday October 17, 2010
Dave and Tina Wagner will be sharing how God has continually used dreams and visions to illustrate God's direction for their lives. It is one thing to read about dreams and visions, yet quite another to experience and live by them. Even though the Wagner’s are successful from a business, relationship, and family perspective they are far more successful in God's Kingdom based on the Kingdom principles they live by. Dave and Tina will share a powerful vision they had that illustrated that God was in control of their past, present, and future. You do not want to miss this episode of Gossiping the Gospel. Listen as Dave and Tina inspired you as they share how God continues to inspire them.
Who is Included in Your Cloud of Witnesses? Aired on Sunday October 10, 2010
If you are paying attention to what is transpiring in many circles there is a clear sign of the increase in 1) People dying and going to be with the Lord, 2) More people experiencing out of body experiences or visits to heaven through temporary death or visions, and 3) More people having dreams about heaven. The exciting part of this increase is that there appears to be more and more excitement about heaven, and less fear of death. This also shows that a spiritual maturity is occurring as people are eagerly focused on the things above the earth; rather than just our temporal life (Colossians 3:1-2). The reason Pam and I are so excited is that we have seen personal visions, heard from others, and read in scripture that we not only have a cloud of witnesses that include the great people of the Bible; but our great cloud of witnesses include our contemporaries. They include our family, friends, relatives, and great ministers who we know are in heaven being 'witnesses on our behalf.' Hebrews 12:1-2 states "Seeing we are encompassed about with such a great cloud of witnesses let us set aside every weight and sin that so easily besets us and run with patience the race that is set before us."
It's time we all open our spiritual eyes to see, hear, and appreciate the great cloud of witnesses that God has prepared for us. Rejoice as your loved ones go home to be with the Lord, and enter your side of the tug-of-war. Rejoice when some of the greatest ministers go home to be with the Lord and can now see salvation from a heavenly perspective.
Aired on October 3, 2010 - I was Blind But Now I See - The James Gale Story "One-on-One" with Mark Halvorsen
Listen to one of the greatest testimonies of salvation and healing through the words of James Gale. At the age of 15, James was in a hunting accident that blinded him. He regained partial sight in one eye, but a few years later through a car wreck, lost almost everything that was regained. With no hope of working a natural job, James turned to his music and played locally in Wisconsin. He traveled with road bands until 1971, when he met the Lord Jesus Christ in a motor hotel where he was playing in Canada. In 1970, James recorded country music in Hollywood California with Thorn Nogar, producer of the music part of the Lawrence Welk show. James even did a show with Marvin Rainwater when he was a teen-ager. He played in the tour of homes in Nashville with Bob Thaxton, Nashville musician, in Tom T. Hall’s home while people toured his home. He was also the guest of Shotgun Red on the world’s largest showboat called the General Jackson in Nashville. While on the boat, he played and sang with Shotgun Red’s group. His life’s story was done on a Pacific Garden Missions program in Chicago called Unshackled. James has been on two Southern Gospel Compilation radio CD’s that was distributed nation-wide in the southern gospel field that was done in Nashville at Nusong Records produced at the Somner studios. James has been a featured guest at the Red Barn Opera House in Springfield’s Nebraska. He has also been on television shows in Canada and the United States. Tony Booth , JD. Maynus, Anthony Burger and other top musicians have played on his records. He has played in Canada, Jamaica, Mexico and various places in the States. He has also performed at the Namm show and the CAAS show in Nashville demonstrating picks for the Fred Kelly Guitar Pick Company. James has an associate degree from Kingsway Bible College in Des Moines, Iowa and a BA Degree from Sweet Waters Bible College in Glendale, Arizona.
Aired on Sept. 26, 2010 - If Your Going Through Hell Don't Stop!
God’s testing, cleansing, and trials are our opportunity to be tried as by fire. You can and will make it through the very trial of a life time. When the trials come that make you feel like you are going through hell on earth, the worse thing to do is to quit or take a break in hell. God’s desire is to see you through the trial and bring you through.Listen as Pam shares a trip through what felt like hell, or a mid-life crisis, but it was merely God’s cleansing process.
Aired on Sept 19, 2010 - Ordinary People – Listen to why God uses ordinary people to fulfill His will. If you are an ordinary person you did not want to miss this episode. This session is for anyone and everyone who feels under privileged.God is no respecter of people and choose to use the most ordinary and unlikely people to fulfill His plans.
Aired on Sept 12, 2010 -Mark Halvorsen Testimony ... Listen to Radio Host Personality Mark Halvorsen shares his personal testimony of salvation and maturing during his Christian walk and ministry. Listen to the transformational story of a young man from Milwaukee makes a life changing decision for his eternal life, his career, and his desire to win the lost through Wisconsin.
Aired on Sept 5, 2010 - What to do when the Roar is loud ... Each if us have had the roar of life, the roar of the enemy, the roar of the lion in our ear at one time or another. This segment discusses how we can handle the Roars of life that easily discourage us. Listen as we testify of the ability to face the roar of life in the hour where it feels that all hell seems to be coming against you.
Aired on August 29, 2010 - The Power of God Dreams Are you dreaming more? This segment will deal with the increase and power of God's dreams that are being poured out just like Scripture promised in Acts 2:17-19. Listen as we share from numerous people and resources the significance of dreams and visions that are occurring on a regular basis. Learn why dreams are the universal langauge that God chose to use to reach humanity.
God's Healing Power Recorded on Sunday, August 22, 2010
God’s Healing Power – Listen as a Michelle Nevin shares a powerful testimony of how God healed her desperate health circumstances. If you or anyone you knows needs a healing, you do not want to miss this touching testimony.Michelle came to a small church on a Friday night at an old Feed Mill in rural WI.She came with a desperate need and heard a powerful message of redemption and healing.We will also be sharing the truths about God’s desire to heal.
As a young boy David C. Hairabedian had a great gift from God for dreams and dream interpretation. Unfortunately after kids made fun of David’s gift he ignored the gift and started straying from God. This happened to the point that in 1989 David C. Hairabedian conspired to steal a jet airplane to import drugs for the Columbian cartel. As a result, he spent the next 20 years incarcerated in the U.S. Federal Prison System. At age 26, while in a dirty prison cell inside the super-max building at Leavenworth Penitentiary David experienced a visitation from the Lord calling him to deep repentance, salvation and also into the ministry. David responded to this call. The vision David received inspired the founding of HEART of America Prison Ministries, a ministry that provides first quality leather-bound study Bibles, Christian resource materials and a discipleship newsletter to those behind bars. HEART currently serves approximately 5,000 inmates in more than 800 facilities. David is a regular contributor to its newsletter. He has his Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from Zoe University. He has authored more than thirty teachings, booklets, and tracts. He has a paralegal degree and is presently in his final semesters’ work in International Business
Listen as a Norman Mathews shares how God used him through triple bypass surgery, colon cancer, and a life of ups and downs. Listen as he shares a greater miracle than the healings themselves. If you have cancer, upcoming surgery, or addictions in life, you do not want to miss this episode. Also read about the quickening experience described in the article download call "The Day I saved my father, and the day my Father saved me".
Sunday August 1, 2010 - The Clay McClary Testimony
Listen as Sharon McClary and Josh Crawford share how Clayton McClary exchanged the anger in his life for God's love. Listen as you hear how Clay even became a minister of the Gospel later in life. Special hosts include Mark Halvorsen, along with Mike and Pam Mathews. To listen to the full recording click on the audio file on the right side.
For a download of the complete written booklet of Clay McClary's Testimony "Exchanging Anger with Love" go to the link below called Journey - Exchanging Anger with Love - Journey 5.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." ~Matthew 13:45-46