Welcome to the RedemptionCenter. We have set this page up to help people understand, learn, and practice the process of redemption. Redemption is a very familiar term that is used in many different areas of life including coupons, hotel travel points, Apple iTunes Store and many other areas. We believe it is time for people to use the Biblical aspect and begin exchanging and redeeming things in their life; as Scripture process and describes redemption as a process. The official definition of redemption according to Websters dictionary is: 1. (Christianity) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil. and 2. Purchasing back something previously sold.
We believe that redemption is vitally important for individuals as it allows people to engage and interact with God in an actionable manner. It allows us to take action and exchange with God. As a individual I can redeem my sin, my life, my past, my failures, lost time, and many more things described in scripture. Therefore, redemption has an exciting 'action' element that requires engagement, thinking, pursuing, and measuring the results of the redemption process; or my walk with God. I choose to think of redemption as a process. In fact God started redeeming with humanity in the book of Genesis and will not stop redeeming with humanity until he redeems the physical earth with the new Jerusalem.
For starters we have given you some articles that demonstrate the exchange process that we will also refer to as the redemption process. These articles are labeled as Revelation Bulletins.
The Redemptive Journey of Clayton McClary - Exchanging Anger for Love
Read about the powerful redemptive Journey taken by Clayton McClary. You will be inspired and moved as you hear how God redeemed his deep anger for love.If you or anyone you know has not yet redeemed their addiction, anger, hate or other struggles please download this free booklet.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." ~Matthew 13:45-46