The following media files have been compiled to allow you to hear what the Bible states about dreams. More sessions will be added as the new book on Dreams is being written. Please feel free to listen and share the audio files with others.
Listen to a recent airing of "The Power of God's Dream" on Gossiping the Gospel Talk Radio. A hour hour show discussing the reality and power of dreams.
An attention grabbing dream based on Genesis 20:1-17. Clearly illustrating how God used a dream to grab the attention of an influential ruler, while protecting Abraham and Sarah.
A dream of prosperity and protection described in Genesis chapter 30 and 31. The dream entails how God used a creative means to provide Jacob with great prosperity and another dream to protect Jacob.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." ~Matthew 13:45-46