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The majority of the people I have surveyed have all stated they have recently had very specific dreams. A few of the people I asked could not remember any dreams, but came back to me within two days and said that they had a dream since I asked them. Most of the people wondered how I knew they were having or going to have a dream. I started sharing with them the scriptural evidence that in the last days of the church age people would begin to dream more frequently. This recent activity has allowed me to share more of God’s Word with people who have been drawn into my explanation of scripture; which was now personalized. I did not need to include my religion, my church, or my beliefs. I could find out how God (who gives dreams) was personalizing His message for them.
This may explain why there are numerous reports around the world that millions of people are accepting Christ through dreams (Read Example Report.) This is an amazing concept when you consider that simultaneously millions of people can have a vivid image of Christ, visualize what He did for humanity, and accept Him as their personal Savior all because of a powerful and vivid dreams. This amazing concept fulfills scripture as well as speeds up and cleans up the process of sharing Christ. Imagine how much cleaner my religion would be if God dropped a vivid dream in my mind versus hearing about someone else’s version of who Jesus Christ is? This is also a humbling thought, when you consider that God can create a direct pipeline into a person’s mind and they simply accept Him.
This realization is the main reason our book ‘And God Chose Dreams,’ came about. It is time that all of humanity hear the truth that God chose dreams for humanity and he has been communicating with humanity through dreams since the beginning of time, and is now increasing the dreams to all of humanity. Listen to just some of the examples below to challenge you to take a deeper look into the Universal language of dreams.
- Abraham was given the promise of the father of faith through a dream.
- King Solomon was asked and granted the gift of wisdom all within a dream.
- Jacob found his destiny and wealth through a dream of how to breed sheep.
- Mary and Joseph saved their son Jesus through a dream.
- Gentiles were accepted into the Kingdom of God through a vision.
- Daniel had dreams and visions which depict the unfolding of the last days.
- Famous football Player Reggie White had a dream before His death of a wonderful treasure for all of Humanity.
I have found myself sharing with people that dreams are much more normal in our present day than most people comprehend. I share with them that dreaming has been a powerful activity throughout scripture. In fact scripture shares the word ‘Dream’ over 47 times. Before I start telling them about the great men and women in scripture who dreamed, I share the following two powerful evidences that help put their mind at ease. 1). Acts 2:17-18 ‘And in the last days it will be,’ God says, ‘that I will pour out my Spirit on all people, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.’ And 2) Daniel 12: 4 ‘But you, Daniel, close up these words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will dash about, and knowledge will increase.’
The passage in Daniel 12:4 is interesting as Daniel was having dreams and visions prior to God making the statement that he was to seal up the dreams (words) until the end of the time. This indicates that the dreams would be revealed and shared when we reach the end of time. We may not be at the very end of time, but we are closer than ever before; therefore dreams should be expected and anticipated as a sign that we are nearing the end.
I wonder if God uses dreams in our present day to help get our attention. We are too busy 99.9% of the time that God whispers in our ears while we are sleeping. This way we can’t put him off for another day. Of course this thought is just a question and not meant to be a fact.
I understand there are many nay-sayers reading this who are worried that dreams are spooky and could be influenced by satan, or last night’s pizza. Let me challenge you by reminding you that God’s Word does not lie! Also, you should be more concerned with the weirdo stuff your kids and spouses are viewing on the internet and television. It is completely healthy to encourage your children, spouse, friends, relatives, and other to process their dreams. We should all be reminded that when the great people in scripture dreamed it was a time of change, a time to warn them, or a time to provide a new direction. Peter’s dream/vision on a house top litterally changed religion. God told him that the dream was intended for him to know that Gentiles would be accepted into the plan of salvation (Acts chapter 10).
I believe that God literally wants the worshippers to arise and enjoy His words, His signs, His wonders, and His spiritual gifts. As we approach the end days we will see these things overshadow the talent of the church. Talents can’t compare to God’s gifts and dreams. I pray that leaders would encourage their people to enjoy, embrace, anticipate, and exercise their gifts and dreams at least half as much as they encourage them to exercise their talents; as God is pleased when we use His gifts and not rely on mere talent.
We are in the very days of change where God is desirous to give dreams and visions to help people. Please feel free to navigate around the website and learn more about dreams.
Happy Dreaming!!