Pam and I would like to welcome you to the 5-10 minute Micro-Sermons we have put together to help you focus more on heavenly things than earthly things. Earthly things bombard us every day and cause us to fear and worry to the point they rob us of our faith. On the other hand heavenly things cause us to focus on the promises of God and expand our faith.
“When God said that knowledge and time would speed up in the last days (Daniel 12:4), He meant it for travel, sports, business, and all of creation, but most of all for Christianity. Christians are the least excused to fulfill God’s spiritual principles which apply to all of Lord bring on the revelation and knowledge that you promised that we might catch-up to your plan!” ~Michael L. Mathews
"Great teaching attracts people to the teacher; but revelation attracts people to Jesus" ~David Hairabedian
We are pleased to announce the recording and archive of an exciting Interview with World Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. During the interview Bonnke shares His thoughts on Evangelism, the Church, and the importance of staying with the simplicity of the Gospel found in Matthew 4:23. Bonnke's humility and simplicity has allowed him to be part of over 50 Million people accepting the salvation message during the past 10 years.
During the Interview Reinhard Bonnke prayed a simple, yet powerful prayer for Wisconsin. The prayer was ... "I pray for Wisconsin and I thank you Lord that your cloud of glory may descend and people will be convicted of their sin--of sin, righteousness, and judgment. As the Holy Spirit has been sent, I pray that He may be active and that people will see your glory, receive their salvation, and also all the other gifts that you bestow upon humankind. I pray that it may happen and that you may send men and women to bring it about. In Jesus name, Amen."
This prayer can be heard as part of the full interview. We encourage you to listen and agree that Wisconsin is being prepared for the long awaited and powerful manifestation of God's Glory, just as Bonnke prayed.
In addition to the Bonnke Interview Mark Halvorsen hosted three other interviews with Buki Fagbemi, Desmond Rose, and a final interview between Mark, Pam and I, to discuss the significance of the Bonnke interview and the need for a 'Salvation" message.
Week 27 - Special Interview with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke- Also aired on WWIB Radio WWIB.COM. Enjoy a challenging message and interview between World Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Mark Haverson, and Mike Mathews along with Buki Fagbemi, and Desmond Rose.
Week 26 - Front Page Radio Interview with Mark Halvorsen, Mike Mathews, and Pam Mathews discussing why the Interview with Reinhard Bonnke may be the single greatest spiritual event for Wisconsin in many years
Three Part Series on the Definition of Wealth.Do you really know what true wealth is?Do you see wealth as only financial gain? Why are so many churches going bankrupt, and how does God view wealth. In the current uncertain times a clear understanding of wealth would help ease your mind and remove confusion that is caused by having only a financial view of wealth. Learn how God views wealth and how this wealth can eventually turn into the right blessings in life. - Download Powerpoint Presentation to accompany 'Defintion of Wealth Series"
Week 24 - The Definition of Wealth - Part 3 - Did people follow Christ and the Gospel because of Christ's financial wealth; or because of His wealth in other attributes. Listen to a personal example of under developed wealth that is easy to miss. Lastly, how do we stack up against Peter's wealth statement "Silver and gold have I none, but what I have I give to you."
Week 23 - The Definition of Wealth - Part 2 - Why are so many churches going bankrupt? Find out what happens when so many churches focus more on finances than on true wealth. Learn all the gifts and resources that God gave the church are the real means to Kingdom wealth.
Week 22 - The Definition of Wealth- Part 1 - Why do so many people view wealth only as access to finances. Find out the true definition of wealth that will help you realize your real potential. Learn what the Bible states about wealth.
Five Part Series "Does Your Mind Match Your Heart?". A very important series for people who have developed their hearts but have not grown their minds porportionate to their hearts. Many Christians expand their hearts, but forget their minds are just as important to expand. When the two are out of balance problems can start and people are tormented, discouraged, or emotionally our of control.
Week 21 - Does Your Mind Match Your Heart - Part 5 - The conclusion on why expanding your mind is critical to your christian walk. Find out how some christians can appear to be possessed by evil spirits, but are not actually possessed.
Week 20 - Does Your Mind Match Your Heart - Part 4 - A Biblical example of a cleansing process of the mind. A must to hear for people struggling with their thoughts concerning people, the church, or God.
Week 19 - Does Your Mind Match Your Heart - Part 3 - A personal testimony from Mike and Pam on why our minds need to be cleansed, and how difficult the cleansing process can be.
Week 18 - Does Your Mind Match Your Heart - Part 2 - God's testing in our life is done so we can expand our minds. When our minds are not expanded to match our heart we can get out of balance. If we are to love God with all our heart and mind we need to bring our hearts and minds into balance.
Week 17 - Does Your Mind Match Your Heart - Part 1 Listen as we describe the importance of developing your mind to match your heart. Many people experience tormenting issues in life when their heart has expanded beyond their mind.
Four Part Series on "God's Shifting Process". An important series on why God is shifting, shaking, and exchanging things on earth. Very few people are immune from all the shifting going on in our society. Find out what is causing the shifting and shaking and how we can appreciate and cope with our modern day events.
Week 16 - God's Shifting Process - Part 4 God's promises to us are real. However they can be exchanged if we do not stand by faith. Listen to the shifting and exchange process summary and how our promises can be lost.
Week 15 - God's Shifting Process - Part 3 Listen as we explain the invisible and visible aspects of life that has caused many people to have drastic set-backs, yet never saw it coming. This is truly the ultimate exchange.
Week 12 - The Exchange Process God is Using - You do not want to miss the exchange process that was foretold by God. He was the one who knew in advance the day of exchange we are living in. Listen to some starting realities that allow you to be encouraged and excited about the divine plan of exchange. The changing times are really an exchanging time, but you must pay attention.
Week 11 - The Invisible Aspect of God - God requires his people to honor the invisible aspects of His attributes. In fact, He states that we will be without excuse one day if we deny this powerful aspect of Him. Listen and be sure you do not miss one of the greatest aspects of God intended for us.
Week 10 - Memorial Day is Coming are You Ready for Playback? - Find out why people do not like to see themselves on videotape; yet why we need to realize that a different type of memorial day is on its way.
Week 9 - What's up with all the Natural Disasters? - People often worry that natural disasters are either global warming or God's judgment. This small sermon describes what scripture states about natural disasters. This truth may surprise many.
Week 8 - The Ultimate Deception - Many people are worried and focused on the current events and if the US Government will continue to bail everyone out of trouble. Unfortunately, many people are looking at the issues only from a financial perspective. God’s Word shares the ultimate deception that faces all of humanity; but many people will miss the deception because of where their hope has been place.
Week 7 - Understanding God's Glory - Part 2 - God's Glory is much simpler than people make it out to be. However, it is often the simple things in live that we miss out on the most. Listen as we describe the simplicity of God's Glory as well as give a high level overview of God's Glory.
Week 6 - Understanding God's Glory - Part 1 - God's Glory is much simpler than people make it out to be. However, it is often the simple things in live that we miss out on the most. Listen as we describe the simplicity of God's Glory as well as give a high level overview of God's Glory.
Week 5 - God’s Gifts Superior to Man’s Talents - Man’s talents are heavily utilized in the modern Christianity. However, God is starting to pour out His Spirit through Gifts to humanity. God has concluded that man takes credit for talents, while God gets the glory for gifts. Listen to the importance of God using gifts versus man expanding talents. God will pour out His Spirit and all sons and daughters will manifest God through His gifts including dreams.
Week 4 - The Power of the Tongue - Sedated - Have you seen people lately who are sedated or are completely speechless (tongue-tied). This seems to be a more common occurrence with all the stress and worry that people are encountering. It is important for people to know that the Bible stats that ‘Life and Death are in the power of the tongue…and they that use it will eat he fruit thereof.” Proverbs 18:21. When we are sedated or tongue-tied the message of hope and life is squashed. Listen to why God has us speak up and use our tongue to give life.
Week 3 - The Local Church Defined Better as the Body of Christ Many modern day churches have added to scripture and applied the word 'Local' to the word church in an effort to make sure people support a local congregation. However, scripture never uses the word local in conjunction with the word church. In fact when the church is referenced it is usually for a geographical area. Listen and hear how the term Body of Christ may be a clearer definition of a group of believers who call themselves a church.
Week 2 - Fear is the Root Cause of Many Issues.Many people are frustrated with the issues in our day and have spent years speaking against these issues while missing the real cause. God's Word reveals that fear is the root cause of many of these issues and states that in our day, men's hearts would fail them for fear. We need to be careful we are praying for the right things and not only the symptoms. Just as faith manifests itself in people; fear also manifests itself in things such as control, anger, depression, etc. Listen and hear about the control of fear and how it cancels out faith.
Week 1 - Lawlessness at Work. Did you know that in II Thessalonians 2:6-7 that the Apostle Paul states that the mystery of lawlessness would take place and be revealed before Christ's Return? We see every day people complaining that there were no regulations in place to prevent the current financial issues…could this be the very lawlessness mentioned in scripture?
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." ~Matthew 13:45-46